Mail Stop 3561

									October 13, 2005

Mr. Rodney C. Sacks
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
Hansen Natural Corporation
1010 Railroad Street
Corona, California 92882

		RE:	Hansen Natural Corporation
			Form 10-K for Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2004
			Form 10-Q for Fiscal Quarter Ended June 30, 2005
			Filed March 16, 2005 and August 9, 2005
			File No.  0-18761

Dear Mr. Sacks:

		We have reviewed your responses in your letter dated
September 16, 2005 and have the following additional comments.

		We welcome any questions you may have about our comments
on any other aspect of our review.  Feel free to call us at the
telephone numbers listed at the end of this letter.

Form 10-K for Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2004

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


1. In response to comment 6 in our letter dated June 9, 2005 you
indicated that you exclude the costs of your distribution network
from costs of sales.  In our comment we requested that you
the amounts of distribution network costs included in line items
other than costs of sales for each period presented.  Your
of the quantification of excluded costs suggested that their
exclusion from costs of sales would not inhibit a reader`s ability
compare your gross margins with others in your industry.  Based on
information on page 0000009 of your reporting package it appears
distribution network costs are material to an understanding of
gross margin relative to others in your industry that include
distribution network costs in costs of sales.  Please tell us how
intend to revise your future filings.  We would not object to
quantification in MD&A of distribution network costs excluded from
costs of sales in lieu of note disclosure.

2. We read your response to comment 1 in our letter dated August
2005.  We do not object to your determination that you have two
reportable segments as of June 30, 2005.  However, in light of the
significant difference between the economic characteristics of the
DSD and Warehouse segments, tell us how you determined that it was
unnecessary to amend your Form 10-K to provide the revised segment
information in an audited note for all periods presented.  The
and circumstances in this instance appear inconsistent with
prospective revision contrary to our initial expectation.

3. We read your response to comment 2 in our letter dated August
2005 and we re-issue part of our previous comment.  You have not
provided the disclosures by product line as part of your
segment disclosures as required by paragraph 37 of SFAS 131.  The
disclosures should identify products from which each reportable
segment derives its revenue and should mirror the financial
information used to prepare your general-purpose financial
statements.  Disclosing revenues by reportable segment is not a
substitute for the SFAS 131 product line revenue disclosures when
reportable segments derive revenues from multiple product lines.
assume that product line revenue disclosures would be required for
major product lines and groups of similar products consistent with
your "Gross Sales by Product Line" report.  If you believe that
product line revenue disclosures are more appropriate, please

Form 10-Q for the Quarter Ended June 30, 2005

Item 4. Control and Procedures, page 33

4. Please revise your future disclosure regarding changes to
controls and procedures over financial reporting to identify "any
changes," not just "significant" changes that have materially
affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, your
internal controls and procedures over financial reporting.  See
308(c) of Regulation S-K. Please also confirm to us, if true, that
there were no changes in your internal controls and procedures
financial reporting for the period covered by your Form 10-Q and
10-K.  If there were changes in controls requiring disclosure in
accordance with Item 308(c) of Regulation S-K please revise your
10-Q and/or Form 10-K accordingly.

5. You state that your management evaluated the effectiveness of
disclosure controls and procedures, as defined in Exchange Act
13a-15(e).  However, your principal executive and financial
only concluded that your disclosure controls and procedures were
effective "to ensure that material information we are required to
disclose in reports that we file or submit under the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 is recorded, processed, summarized and
within the time periods specified in SEC rules and forms." Please
confirm for us, if true, that the same officers concluded the
controls and procedures were effective in "ensur[ing] that
information required to be disclosed by an issuer in the reports
it files or submits under the Act is accumulated and communicated
the issuer`s management, including its principal executive and
principal financial officers, or persons performing similar
functions, as appropriate to allow timely decisions regarding
required disclosure."  See Exchange Act Rule 13a-15(e). Revise
filings accordingly.

		As appropriate, please respond to these comments within
business days or tell us when you will provide us with a response.
Please ensure the response letter provides any requested
information.  Please file your response letter on EDGAR.  Please
understand that we may have additional comments after reviewing
response to our comments.

		If you have any questions regarding these comments,
direct them to Anthony Watson, Staff Accountant, at (202) 551-3318
or, in his absence, to me at (202) 551-3843.


									George F. Ohsiek, Jr.
									Branch Chief




Mr. Rodney C. Sacks
Hansen Natural Corporation
October 13, 2005
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